Solar Power Energy Disadvantages

The abundance of solar energy and its environment friendly behavior makes it desirable to use but still the use is limited and we are facing some disadvantages of Solar power energy. This is due the various problems associated in handling the solar energy techniques.

Solar Power Energy Disadvantages

Sun is present only in the day time. Hence the energy of sun can be best utilized in day only. All the storage devices like batteries and updraft towers work well in day. However as the sun sets the photons (packets containing sunlight) start to disappear and the working of the solar panels plus the batteries start to decline. All the solar power storage devices need steady and consistent flow of solar light and heat in order to work efficiently. Therefore still it is difficult to store solar power energy for electricity generation in night. The inefficacy of solar power systems in night has narrowed its use. Hence when there is no sun there is no power supply.

Expensive Solar Power Projects

The solar power projects are initially very uneconomical. Solar panels are expensive and so is the back up storage systems. This is the reason why solar power energy is disadvantageous for domestic users to make use of solar energy. The major disadvantage of using solar power is associated with the absence of sun in night. However in order to overcome this challenge satellite are sent into the orbit which can utilize solar energy at any time of day irrespective of the day night and whether changes. No matter this can resolve the problem of interrupted energy supply but this satellite is really very expensive. This system can only be deployed only if it becomes common and inexpensive to use. Moreover the battery life of solar devices is very low. Single solar panel does not generate enough electricity to support power usage. An array of photovoltaic power systems is required to support this system. Hence it is not feasible for small or medium businesses only large industrial unit’s can make use of it. Hence the cost advantages offered by solar panels are practically useful only to industry so far. Solar energy panels are used in bulk to fulfill the energy needs of any specific applications.
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