Intentional electrical connections to a reference conducting plane, which may be earth, but which more generally consists of a specific array of interconnected electrical conductors, referred to as the grounding conductor. The symbol which denotes a connection to the grounding conductor is three parallel horizontal lines, each of the lower two being shorter than the one above it.The subject of grounding may be conveniently divided into two categories: system grounding and equipment grounding. System grounding relates to a grounding connection from the electric power system conductors for the purpose of securing superior performance qualities in the electrical system. Equipment grounding relates to a grounding connection from the various electric-machine frames, equipment housings, metal raceways containing energized electrical conductors,
Installations in which earth is used as a reference ground plane present special problems. To design an earth “floor surface” for an outdoor open-type substation which will be free of dangerous electric shock voltage exposure to persons around the station is a difficult task
and closely adjacent conducting structures judged to be vulnerable to contact by an energized conductor. The purpose of such equipment grounding is to avoid environmental hazards such as electric shock to area occupants, fire ignition hazard to the building or contents, and sparking or arcing between building interior metallic members which may be in loose contact with one another. The design of outdoor open-type installations presents special problems.
Earthing means connecting the dead part which one not in working of live current to the earth for example electrical equipment’s frames, enclosures, supports, stands, Body etc.The purpose of earthing is to minimize risk of receiving an electric shock if touching metal parts when a fault is present. Generally green wire is used for this as a nomenclature.
Under fault conditions the non-current carrying metal parts of an electrical installation such as frames, enclosures, supports, fencing etc. may attain high potential with respect to ground so that any person or stray animal touching these or approaching these will be subjected to potential difference which may result in the flow of a current through the body of the person or the animal of such a value as may prove fatal.
To avoid this non-current carrying metal parts of the electrical system are connected to the general mass of earth by means of an earthing system comprising of earth conductors to conduct the fault currents safely to the ground.
Earthing has been accomplished through bonding of a metallic system to earth. It is normally achieved by inserting ground rods or other electrodes deep inside earth.
Earthing is to ensure safety or Protection of electrical equipment and Human by discharging the electrical energy to the earth.