Steam power
Steam power is a good source of energy. It has been using at industrial level since very long. Invented by Thomas Newcomen in the seventeenth century, concept of steam power has been revolutionized the industrial platform. Previously, steam power was used at larger level and did not consider suitable for residential level. Even nuclear units were run through steam power but little consideration given to other application where steam power could be utilized.
Technology development has changed most of the things in our surrounding. Steam Power technology is not only changing our ways of life but also making easy and convenient. Till now this steam power is a new thing and people are hesitating as how does it work at small level. The installation of steam power may be very difficult. Therefore it is necessary to understand the mechanism of steam power engine.
Arrangement for Steam Power
To build a steam power system, the first consideration you have to pay is to the furnace. You have to decide which type of fuel you are going to use for fueling the furnace. There are different types of fuel like gas, wood, or oil. Every type of fueling needs its own separate arrangement. It’s according to the environment of the area, home location etc.
The next step is selection of the type and size of boiler for steam power setup. There are two different types of boiler; fire-tube boiler and water-tube boiler. Fire-tube boiler is an old design which is not very reliable. There is always danger of its leakage or especially boiler explodes. It should keep in mind while arranging fire-tube boiler that its material should be heavy-duty. There is one more drawback in this module that it cannot endure the pressure more than 250 psi. As fire-tube boiler is not a success, it always avoids using in home environment.
The second option is much more reliable and prevailing swiftly on a residential level is known as water-tube boiler. Due to its durability and work efficiency it is getting popularity. As it is designed directly in a tube shape instead of tank shape so is effective. This shape is an additional advantage of this module survival. This module has many plus points;
The steam is easily and quickly collected in a tube than tank or drum.
Tube can endures pressure up to 5000 psi two times more than tank.
Tube takes less time to turn water into steam than tank. Where tank makes steam in half an hour where tube makes steam not more than five minutes.
Water-tube boiler is cost-effective.
Water-tube boiler has not threat of exploding. It can leak sometimes but not explodes.
Although water-tube boiler has many plus points yet there are couples of negative points as well to be mentioned here.
Pressure fluctuation is not possible in water-tube boiler but in fire-tube boiler.
In case of water-tube leakage, breathing in that environment is dangerous for lungs system.