Neculear Technology

Nuclear power is the production of electricity with the use of controlled nuclear reactions. Nuclear power provided about 2.1% total energy and 15% electricity to date. Obninsk power plant in former USSR was the first nuclear power plant in the world which was established in is non renewable form of energy.

How Nuclear Power Plants Works, Technology behind Nuclear Power Plant
The production of electricity in nuclear power is dependent upon the process of nuclear fission. In this process of nuclear fission, the nucleus of an atom is segregated into further smaller parts. These free nuclei and neutrons produce energy in the form of photons or Gamma rays. It is necessary that the total energy contained in the final product is more than that of the supporting starting element. This would help the fission to provide maximum energy during the process. In simple words, in the process of nuclear fission the less powerful free nuclear are converted to more energy containing substances (nuclear). This chain of nuclear reactions generates energy to support nuclear power houses and nuclear weapons. The energy required to supply power to nuclear power plants is created in a controlled manner by using nuclear poisons. Cooling system is often used to shift the energy from reactor to some other place in the plant. This energy is used in the form of thermal energy to heat steam turbines which then run electric generators to produce electricity. The energy resulting from the nuclear fissions million times more than the energy from the oil and gas, but it is not fully utilized in order to reduce the harmful effects of radioactive waste.

Cost of Nuclear Power Plant, Advantages & Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plants
The initial investment require for the nuclear power plants is very high. These nuclear power plants may cost up to $10 to $20 billion. This high cost and the limited production of the uranium are the main factors associated with the high cost of project. The nuclear power plants are really efficient in terms of energy production but they increase the need for decaying nuclear waste. The proper disposal of the nuclear waste is also another important consideration while calculating the cost of power plant. The return on investment from these power plants takes a long time because the construction period of nuclear power plants is very high. It is important to analyze the price of fuel used in nuclear reactors which is most commonly known as uranium. Moreover nuclear power plants are a high risk if they are not secured properly form internal and external threat. Last but not least the cost of storing nuclear waste and decomposing it is a major concern and issue for the nuclear power plants.

Some Interesting Facts & Uses Regarding Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is derived using uranium which is more commonly available in earth’s crust as compared to silver. This natural resource is used to generate electric power and 95% of the total fuel can be recycled for further use. Producing electricity from uranium is much inexpensive than producing the same amount of energy from natural gas. For example if the price of uranium is doubled in the coming year it would have only 7% increase in electricity cost. However if we double the price of natural gas the cost of electricity would reach up to 70%. The solid waste discharged by the nuclear power plants is a major cost consideration before constructing the plant. It is only efficient energy power plant which is common to both developed and under developed countries of the world. For the decomposition of nuclear waste and radioactive waste separate toxin generated plants are constructed.

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