Photovoltaic Cells

Among renewable energies solar energy is the one which is still costly technology to build up. Scientists and researchers are busy to invent such device which should not be costly and also a good source of producing energy from sun rays. Photovoltaic cell is a device used to receive sun rays and convert it into electricity.

Photovoltaic cells often called solar cells converts sunlight into direct current means electricity. Photovoltaic cells are also used as converter for ultraviolet radioactive rays and infrared radioactive rays into electricity. Sun is an efficient source of heat but with the help of photovoltaic cells it produces electricity. Sun rays when falls on this photovoltaic cells it take three directions some of them deflect to the side, some of them penetrate in the cells and some others go by cell. The amounts of sun rays penetrate in the cells are transformed into electricity.

Elements of Photovoltaic Cells
Photovoltaic cells are made up of two basic parts

positive charge particles electrode
negative charge particles electrode
The semiconductor with positive charge is denoted as p-type and the conductor with negative charge is denoted as n-type. While placing on each other they are joined with a hard layer making a junction. Sunlight, infrared rays or ultraviolet rays when fall on this junction it produces certain volt between electrodes. Devices when attached to the electrodes receive a current develop in the semiconductors. The current flows from semiconductor to the device to operate its function.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Photovoltaic Cells
Photovoltaic cells are used to extract solar energy which is renewable and produces no carbon gases during its use.
It can be used on large scale for industrial and rural areas for the day time. Remote villages can take advantage of electricity by using these Photovoltaic generators.
Their performance is less or sometime zero in bad weather because no sunlight no solar power even if it is day time.
Photovoltaic cell panels, arrays and modules are still very costly to use on larger scale.
Photovoltaic cells are a useful technology to utilize sun energy which is a forever source of energy on earth.
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